Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Whittier Water Taxi - Licensed Game Transporter #928

Hunters beware of unlicensed game transporters. There are over a dozen unlicensed game transporters in the Prince William Sound area. Many advertise that they operate out of the Whittier and Seward Boat Harbors. These illegal, under the table operators are making it easy for poachers to get transported around Prince William Sound without being documented. As all of the hunters that have been transported by Whittier Water Taxi, also known as Aquetec LLC, know, a licensed transporter is required to fill out a State of Alaska game transport form before leaving the dock and before returning from the field. This form records all the hunters’ licenses, destination, the type of game hunted and how many were harvested. In addition to this form, the transporter is required to have a written contract with each hunter. This protects the hunter from hidden charges and clarifies the drop off and pick up times. The contract also records the method of communication while in the field and emergency contact details that the transporter should call if your pick up is delayed by weather. Many find it annoying to fill out all the paper work but it’s very important - poachers prefer to take the under the table operator. That way they can come and go without notice. When I see an unlicensed transporter, I think poacher supporter. The State of Alaska hunting regulations are often changed because of poaching and undocumented take of game. This hurts all the ethical hunters in Alaska. If you go to the Great Alaskan Sportsman Show this year you can easily spot the illegal unlicensed game transporters. If you have a transporter license, you are required to display your license. Licensed game transporters are listed on the State of Alaska commercial license web site. Save and protect your right to hunt by reporting unlicensed transporters. Let’s make it tough on poachers and poacher supporters otherwise they will ruin it for the rest of us.
Whittier Water Taxi, game transporter #928. For more info on hunter drop off check out or Whittier Water Taxi is the only water taxi out of Whittier that posts our rates on our web site. All rates are quoted round trip, per person, no hidden fees or taxes and we operate from mid March through December. We are year round local Alaskans that enjoy harvesting game for the table.
Captain Matt Cline

Monday, March 28, 2011

Whittier Water Taxi at the Mat-Su Outdoorsman Show

Whittier Water Taxi spent another great weekend at the Mat-Su Outdoorsman Show in Wasilla, Alaska, networking with other businesses, both in Whittier and elsewhere in South Central Alaska, in addition to sharing memories with some of our awesome past customers and helping future customers plan their Prince William Sound adventures. This first outdoor show of the season is always a lot of fun as people are so excited about getting out on the water and enjoying another Alaskan summer, whether it’s taking the family to a rental cabin, kayaking with friends in the endless waterways of Prince William Sound, watching glaciers calve, fighting a feisty silver salmon on the end of their fishing line, waiting with anticipation to see the shrimp pots rise to the water’s surface or strategizing a hunt for black bear or Sitka black-tailed deer. With the arrival of the Sportsman Shows in Alaska, spring is finally here and Matt and Heidi Cline with Whittier Water Taxi are looking forward to helping make your 2011 wilderness adventure dreams come true. We are already open for business and have been taking numerous groups of Alaskans out for cabin rental, camping, skiing and research support. Remember, public use cabins need to be reserved 6 months ahead of time! Book early for your trip as some of the days are already full and we don’t want you to be disappointed!
Capt. Matt  

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Whittier Water Taxi - Often copied, never duplicated

You know you are the best when others try to copy you! Just in the last year, we’ve seen other water taxis that operate out of Whittier change their web sites and add our business name: Whittier Water Taxi, to the text on their web sites in an attempt to ride on our coat tails. I have to laugh when I see all the feeble attempts made to attract customers away from Whittier Water Taxi. None of these copy cats try to improve their services; they are just trying to fill seats on their boats any way possible, without working for it. At Whittier Water Taxi, also known as Aquetec LLC, we have built our company by providing an affordable and reliable service. Good customer service is hard to find - just ask any of our Whittier Water Taxi customers - they will tell you we offer the best service. I hear all the horror stories: ‘they didn’t pick us up’ or ‘they added hidden charges’. My favorite is: ‘they wouldn’t drop us off where we wanted to go!’ The sad stories never end; just when you think you’ve heard them all, a new customer tells you a new one that tops them all! Many customers tell me they’ve called other water taxis and no one answered; they leave a message and hear nothing back. I find that quite rude. If we can’t answer the phone we always return the messages or emails as soon as we can. Many times I’m out of cell phone range but if customers leave a message, I always call them back, even when on vacation! I know how important it is for you to plan your trip ahead a time. It’s the extra effort we take to make the customer’s trip work out as well as being reliable that has made Whittier Water Taxi the most preferred water taxi by Alaskans. We cater to Alaskans, their guests and independent travelers. When looking to book a water taxi to Prince William Sound, check out if water taxi is the company’s main business or do they have several other side businesses, with water taxi just as a side show? How long do they operate? Are they only operating during tourist season? We operate from mid March to mid December – WE’RE NOT HERE JUST FOR THE TOURISTS. How much boating experience do they have? Many wannabe water taxi Captains (yachters) exaggerate their sea time but in reality they’d be lucky to break 100 hours a year at the most on the water (as most people know, a lot of yachts spend most of their time tied to a dock). Whittier Water Taxi operates at least 1200 to 1500 hours a season on Alaska’s waters. We not only get far more experience with sea conditions in Prince William Sound, we also transport to the more remote and lesser know locations in Prince William Sound that only a few local Alaskans know of. Don’t let a copy cat ruin your trip into the Alaskan wilderness - check out the real Whittier Water Taxi at  or email me on
Captain Matt

Whittier Water Taxi - Prince William Sound's Best!

Whittier Water Taxi - Whittier’s most reliable water taxi service is starting the 2011 season on March 16th! We’d like to thank all our past and repeat customers – it has been great transporting you throughout Prince William Sound.  Last year Whittier Water Taxi ran until December 19th, closing the season with some very successful and happy deer hunters. This year, just like last year, we will start our season transporting skiers, snow shoers and early cabin rentals. In May we’ll start the spring black bear season as well as more cabin rentals. By mid June it’s our fantastic glacier viewing and shrimping tours as well as the all day wildlife safaris for which we got rave reviews. Kayaker drop offs and kayak rentals run throughout our season: March 16th through December 15th. Whittier Water Taxi is the only water taxi service out of Whittier that can transport you to those hard to reach remote locations and land on the shore. Our custom built Bay Weld Boat has a special hull design and landing gate that allows us to run in shallower waters and land where other water taxis can only dream about. No silly ladders or rafting to shore! Our Bay Weld Boat is very environmentally friendly. Running 4 stroke Suzuki outboards makes it quiet and less intrusive to the wildlife. Whittier Water Taxi caters to Alaskans, independent travelers and their guests. We not only have the best rates but we actually post them on our web site! All taxes and fees are included - NO HIDDEN FEES. No other water taxi in Whittier posts their water taxi rates and they all add taxes or fees on top of their rates. This gives them the opportunity to change their price at a whim. Whittier water taxi always stands by our quoted rates quoted and we never add on hidden fees. We look forward to taking you to the Alaska wilderness!
Captain Matt